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Welcome to the Eurostar Staff Association (ESA) website.

The ESA was formed in early 2011 for all existing, retired and ex-Eurostar employees. In other words, the “extended” Eurostar family.

It is run by volunteers whose aim is to keep members in touch with colleagues, past and present, through various social events organised throughout the year.  We very much welcome new members, see the Become a Member page, and we actively encourage all members to tell us what kind of events they wish us to organise.

The full range of events for 2018 is shown on the Events Page and the details of each event, as they become available, can be found on the Next Event page.  All members and their partners are very welcome to all events.

Please explore our website which is updated regularly with the latest social event dates, news, stories and photos from members. The full website can only be viewed by ESA members logging-in with their password. Non-members are only able to access a few of the pages.

Your feed-back is essential so that we can continue to make improvements and provide the information you want on your website.  Thank you.

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