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Our Management Committee

The Committee are elected by members at the AGM and meet regularly throughout the year to ensure your Association runs smoothly. They decide on and then organise all the social events as well as agreeing budgets for ESA projects

Below are the current committee members:

 Gerry Atkin
Gerry was the Eurostar Logistics Services Manager at Waterloo from 1994 to 1999, redundancy then took him to Virgin Trains and then GBRf until retirement in February 2014.  She worked as a Train Manager for 15 years before retiring in 2010 and during that time played a key role in the Eurostar Social Club.


Sue Welburn (Assistant Secretary)
Sue rejoined the Committee following her retirement from Eurostar in Feb 2017. She was a Train Manager for some 20 years but is now enjoying life off the railway. Sue also bravely volunteered to be our Assistant Secretary. 


Paul Tippett
Paul joined the Committee in February 2016. He started at Eurostar as a Train Manager and subsequently became a Manager of Train Managers. He is now retired.



Howard Preece
Howard has been a life long footplateman until taking early retirement in 2012. He enjoys sports and long distance walking. Howard organises our ESA walks ensuring they are suitable for us mere mortals.




Ian (Snowy) Snowdon
Ian worked in IT at Eurostar for many years and joined the Committee in 2015.
Awaiting a photo.





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Jamie Lester
Jamie was one of the very first staff members joining Eurostar in 1991 when it was then called European Passenger Services. He played a major role in the design and specifications for the driving cabs. He retired after a long railway career in 2009




Geoff Ball
Geoff joined the Committee in Feb 2017. He was a driver at Eurostar for many years having originally started on the footplate in the final years of steam.





Sonja van Wingerden (Welfare Liaison Secretary)
Sonja joined Eurostar as a Train Manager many years ago and still enjoys doing that role. She was elected to the newly created post of Welfare Liaison Secretary at the 2018 AGM.




Susan Bell (Deputy Chair)
Sue rejoined the Committee at the AGM 2019 as the Deputy Chair, this was after a spell resting following her long stint as ESA Chair.
Sue spent many years at Eurostar in various roles both at North Pole Depot and at the training school at Waterloo.


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