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January 2014

Don't forget to come to come to this years AGM on 27th February 2014 starting at 15.30.  Following the formal business we have arranged for Eurostar Engineering Development Manger Jeff Ward to give, what promises to be, a very interesting illustrated talk about the development, production and introduction to service of the new Seimens Eurostar trains, the first of which arrives very shortly.

The AGM is at "The Station Masters Office" meeting room, the Parcel Yard pub, Kings Cross Station.

Following the talk there will be a free buffet.  See you there we hope!

Report of last years AGM 2013

The ESA AGM on 28th February 2013, held at The Parcel Yard Pub, Kings Cross Station, was again well attended.  Following the necessary formal business everyone was able then to enjoy the free buffet and have a good chat.

Sue Bell, our new Chairperson, did a good job despite it being her first AGM. This year Steve McNally stood down from the Committee but Howard Preece joined us as a full Committee Member.

It was decided to keep both the ESA joining fee and the renewal fee at £10 per person per year. The meeting felt that the ESA needed to build up a more substantial funding level before reducing the renewal fee, and that £10 per year was not too onerous for people to pay.

It was reported that membership is still increasing but that we are still having problems getting sufficient publicity and interest from active staff.  It was suggested that the Committee approach senior Eurostar management to see how this can be improved.  Subsequent to the AGM a meeting has been arranged with Nicolas Petrovic, Eurostar Managing Director and also the Communications Director for July.

Some suggestions were forthcoming from members about additional pages for our website and this is now being worked on.


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